What You Need to Know About Carpe Clinical Regimen
One of the newest clinical strength antiperspirants to hit the market is Carpe’s Clinical Grade Regimen - it combines several high performing products with a specific care routine to provide long term sweat reduction for even the heaviest sweaters. Read on to see if Carpe Clinical Regimen is right for you!
Antiperspirant is great - for most people. You apply it once a day and it stops your sweat! It’s easy. But, what if that’s not what happened? You bought it, read the label, and used it exactly as directed and, unfortunately, you’re still sweating - excessively. If this is you, then you’ve come to the right place. There are products specifically made for heavy sweaters who haven’t had luck with traditional antiperspirants. These products typically include the words “extra strength”, “clinical strength” or “prescription strength” and they are, thankfully, available over the counter without a doctor’s prescription.
The difference between clinical strength products and their weaker counterparts are the active ingredients they use. Clinical strength lines typically use one of several newer types of metallic salt ingredients that are known to be both stronger and less irritating than aluminum chloride (which is the standard active ingredient in antiperspirants) [1]. While there are many clinical strength products on the market, we are going to focus on a new clinical strength regimen that combines a strong active ingredient with a specific care routine to get excessive sweating under control.
Carpe Clinical Regimen - What It Is and How It’s Different

One of the newest clinical strength antiperspirants to hit the market is Carpe’s Clinical Grade Regimen. It’s different from other prescription grade products because it combines several strong products with a specific care routine to ensure maximum product performance. It’s also different from Carpe’s other products because it uses a stronger active ingredient and delivery system. The system is geared toward people who experience intractable armpit sweating, but Carpe also makes products for people who struggle with other types of sweat. The Carpe Clinical Grade Underarm includes three specific products that, when used together, have been found to be highly effective at reducing sweat production. These products include:
- Carpe Clinical Grade Underarm Antiperspirant
- Carpe Clinical Grade Exfoliating Wash
- Carpe Clinical Grade Underarm Wipes[2]
Carpe Clinical Grade Regimen uses an active ingredient called Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex GLY (20%) combined with other soothing inactive ingredients to effectively stop sweat in its tracks while reducing skin irritation.[3] Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex is a newer generation metallic salt that stops sweat production and is known to be more effective than other types of active ingredients antiperspirants typically use. One study mentioned in the journal Dermatologic Clinics found that antiperspirants using Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex were, on average, 34% more effective than antiperspirants that used aluminum chloride as an active ingredient.[1] Carpe’s traditional products use an active ingredient called Aluminum Sesquichlorohydrate at 15% which is effective, but less potent than Aluminum Zirconium Tetrachlorohydrex.[4]
It’s important to note that Carpe’s Clinical Grade Regimen provides a long term impact on sweat reduction from making short term lifestyle changes. This is because the results build up over time and peak at about 4 weeks. It takes 4 weeks of using the Carpe clinical grade products once each morning and every other night to see the full effect of what they can do. This is typical of all antiperspirants as their effects tend to build up with consistent use. Consistently using antiperspirant products is especially important for those with hard to treat sweat problems because it can be the difference between treatment success or failure.[1][2]
If you’re frustrated with the way your current antiperspirant is working or how it isn’t working, then consider giving Carpe’s Clinical Grade Regimen a try! It’s active ingredient is comparable to other prescription strength products on the market but it’s multistep system with easy to use wipes is completely unique! Remember, an easy to use, consistent antiperspirant routine is going to give you long term sweat reduction so it’s important to find a system that works for your lifestyle.
- Pariser, D. M. (2014). Hyperhidrosis (4th ed., Vol. 32). Amsterdam: Elsevier Pub. Co., 2014. Retrieved from https://www.elsevier.com/books/hyperhidrosis-an-issue-of-dermatologic-clinics/pariser/978-0-323-32607-0>https://www.elsevier.com/books/hyperhidrosis-an-issue-of-dermatologic-clinics/pariser/978-0-323-32607-0
- How It Works (Clinical). Carpe. https://mycarpe.com/pages/how-it-works-clinical.
- Clinical Underarm PM Wipes. Carpe. https://mycarpe.com/products/clinical-grade-underarm-antiperspirant-wipes?variant=34814174724229
- Underarm Antiperspirant for Excessive Underarm Sweating. Carpe. https://mycarpe.com/products/underarm-antiperspirant-tube?variant=39247505358981
Hot Flashes, Menopause, and Sweating
Everyone will experience the effects of aging as they get older, but only 50% of the population will go on to deal with the symptoms and changes that occur with menopause. Menopause is a natural part of the aging process for women and it usually begins some time in a woman’s 40s, although it can occur a few years earlier or later. It is the process that occurs when a woman’s fertility begins to decline and she is no longer able to bear children or experience a period. There are three distinct phases of menopause: perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause. Perimenopause is the first stage of menopause in which women begin ovulating less frequently and they often experience less frequent periods and physical symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, trouble sleeping, and other hormonal shifts. Menopause officially begins when a woman hasn’t had a period for 12 consecutive months.[1]
Menopause can be a frustrating time for many women because of the physical side effects that occur as a result, especially hot flashes and night sweats. As many as 75% of women will experience hot flashes at some point during perimenopause and menopause, making it a very common symptom. Hot flashes can feel intense and last anywhere from one to five minutes each. Their frequency varies for each woman, some only experience a few a week while others have several hot flashes a day. Some women will also experience night sweats - bouts of intense sweating that only occur during sleep. While hot flashes and night sweats may sound benign, they can be incredibly frustrating, and even debilitating, for some people.[2]
What Causes Hot Flashes and Night Sweats?
No one is entirely sure what causes hot flashes and night sweats to occur, but most doctors agree that it most likely has something to do with fluctuating, and often decreasing estrogen levels that menopausal women experience. Researchers suspect that dropping estrogen levels affect the part of the brain that controls temperature. The body has an acceptable window of what a person’s normal internal temperature can be and it is suspected that decreasing levels of estrogen make this window more narrow. This means that external temperatures can more easily cause a rise in body temperature. Sweating is the body’s natural way of cooling itself down. So, when a woman’s body senses that her internal temperature has risen more than it should it reacts by dilating blood vessels and sweating. This is when a woman experiences a hot flash.[2]
There are a few other theories about the causes of hot flashes and night sweats, although they are not currently proven. The first theory suggests that some women have especially sensitive skin during this time which makes them more prone to experiencing vasodilation and sweating. The second implies that menopause causes an imbalance in the hormone leptin which can in turn cause blood sugar imbalances. These blood sugar imbalances are then thought to cause hot flashes, and possibly night sweats. No matter what the cause, night sweats and hot flashes are hard to deal with![2]
Interestingly, hot flashes and night sweats are considered to be a type of secondary generalized hyperhidrosis. This means that they are a type of excessive sweating that is caused by an underlying medical state or condition. Luckily, there are several medical and practical solutions for this type of sweating. The most effective treatments focus on eliminating the underlying cause while others aim to minimize symptoms and reduce their impact on a person’s quality of life.[3]
Medications that Can Help
There are a few medical treatments that can help women who experience hot flashes. The most effective treatment is called menopause hormone therapy (MHT), it is also sometimes known as hormone replacement therapy (HRT). This type of therapy consists of patients taking a combination of hormones, most often estrogen and progesterone, to keep their hormone levels stable while they are going through menopause. It can greatly reduce symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, irritability, vaginal dryness, and sleep problems. Unfortunately, MHT can be dangerous for some women and it can cause alarming side effects in others. Studies have shown that women using hormone replacement therapy are at an increased risk of developing heart attack, stroke, and blood clots. This is similar to the risk women take when they use hormonal birth control, but the effects can be more likely to occur in women of a more advanced age. Some evidence suggests that non oral forms of hormone replacement may reduce the risk of blood clots and stroke.[1][2]
Some other medications can be used for women who can take hormones. SSRIs, which are normally used to treat depression, can be taken in a lower dose to reduce sweating in some people. Ironically, SSRIs can also be a cause of secondary hyperhidrosis in some people so watch out for increased sweating if you choose to try them. Another medication used to treat seizures called Neurontin can be beneficial for some. Finally, a medication called clonidine which is normally used to treat high blood pressure can be useful in reducing symptoms for some people.[2]
Other Ways to Improve Symptoms
While medications work well for some people, others prefer to treat their symptoms naturally. There are several practical things you can do to reduce the severity and frequency of hot flashes and night sweats. Here are some solutions that may help you:
Some people have claimed success when they use certain supplements or employ dietary changes. Eating more soy is thought to reduce hot flashes, although this is currently not supported by studies. Other supplements like DHEA, dong quai, ginseng, kava, and red clover have been used by some to manage symptoms. However, no scientific evidence has yet backed the claims that these supplements work up as of yet. Any time you decide to use supplements it is important to consult a doctor and they can cause side effects and interact with other medications.[2]
- Scaccia, A. (2018, May 16). How Long Do Symptoms of Menopause Last? Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/menopause/how-long-does-menopause-last
- Suszynski, M. (n.d.). Menopause and Sweating. Retrieved from https://www.webmd.com/menopause/features/menopause-sweating-11#1
- Pariser, D. M. (2014). Hyperhidrosis (4th ed., Vol. 32). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
- Santoro, N., pperson, C. N., & Mathews, S. B. (2016). Menopausal Symptoms and Their Management. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am., 44(3), 497–515. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4890704/
Essential Facts About Hot Flashes, Menopause, and Sweating
Menopause is a universal experience for all women who have a menstrual cycle. As if years of dealing with a period weren’t stressful enough, menopause brings its own batch of bodily changes and experiences. Menopause and sweat have an unfortunate link. Some of the most notorious symptoms that menopause causes are hot flashes, night sweats, and excessive sweating. These symptoms can be difficult to deal with for some and downright debilitating for others. If you or someone you love is struggling to deal with these specific symptoms then read on to learn these crucial facts about menopause and sweating.
#1: About 75% of women going through menopause will experience hot flashes and night sweats.
Sweating is one of the first and most common indications of impending menopause. As many as 75% of women who are in perimenopause or menopause will experience hot flashes and night sweats to varying degrees. This means these symptoms affect more women more often than not, making them very common. What’s more concerning is that for 25% to 30% of the women who experience hot flashes and night sweats the symptoms will be so severe that they interfere with their quality of life. Luckily, for those with severe symptoms due to menopause and sweating there are effective treatments that can help.[1]
#2: Doctors think that hot flashes and excessive sweating associated with menopause is caused by decreasing levels of estrogen, but there are a few other theories as well.
Once menstrual cycles stop women experience a dramatic drop in the level of estrogen in their body. This drop in estrogen is thought to affect the part of the brain that regulates body temperature in such a way that even small changes in external temperature can cause a core rise in body heat. Sweating is the body’s natural way of keeping itself cool so the body begins the process of sending blood to the skin and sweating when its core temperature increases. Hot flashes are essentially your body’s way of trying to cool itself down and keeping your internal temperature stable.[1]
No one is really sure what causes the relationship between menopause and sweating. So naturally, there are a few other theories about what causes menopausal women to experience hot flashes. One theory suggests that women have super sensitive skin during this time in life which makes them more prone to vasodilation (blood vessels opening up) and hot flashes. Another theory holds that a brain chemical imbalance is at play. The level of a hormone called leptin (a hormone that influences appetite) can be affected during menopause in addition to blood sugar levels. Some think that these hormonal shifts may lead to hot flashes.[1]
#3: Menopause begins once you haven’t had a period for 12 months in a row - but hot flashes and night sweats can begin much sooner.
Menopause occurs in three stages: perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause. Perimenopause is the first stage. During this stage, the body begins to produce less estrogen (a sex hormone) which is when menopause and sweating symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats begin. This process typically starts some time during a woman’s 40’s, but it can begin as early as a woman’s late 30’s. Menopause comes next. This stage starts when a woman hasn’t had a period for 12 months in a row. Generally this is when hot flashes and night sweats actually tend to subside, although the time frame is different for each woman. Postmenopause is the third stage and most women will no longer have significant symptoms once they reach it.[2]
#4: Hot flashes and excessive sweating related to menopause can last for a long time. The average time women experience perimenopause symptoms is 4 years!
Hot flashes and night sweats seem to peak during perimenopause (the first stage of menopause). It is thought that perimenopause lasts for around four years in the average woman. One research study found that women with moderate to severe hot flashes struggled with them for a median of 10.2 years! This is a longer timeframe than is generally thought to occur (thankfully). If you are dealing with hot flashes it could be a while before your body adjusts to its new normal and they taper off.[2]
#5: The excessive sweating associated with menopause is actually considered to be a form of secondary hyperhidrosis and it can be treated.
Hot flashes, night sweats, and excessive sweating are considered to be normal physiological changes that occur during menopause. However, it may be interesting to note that the excessive sweating caused by menopause is considered to be a type of secondary generalized hyperhidrosis. Secondary hyperhidrosis is just a medical term for excessive sweating that is caused by an underlying physiological condition, disease, or medication side effect.[3] It may be beneficial to look into some of the ways that people deal with hyperhidrosis when learning how to cope with persistent menopause and sweating symptoms. Companies like Carpe, make antiperspirant lotions that can reduce sweating production and make you more comfortable.
#6: Menopause Hormone Therapy (MHT) and other medications can be used to treat hot flashes, night sweats, and excessive sweating.
Menopause hormone therapy consists of replacing a woman’s lowered levels of the sex hormone estrogen with artificial estrogen. This type of treatment is the most effective way to reduce symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats. Unfortunately, it is associated with a higher risk of developing heart disease, blood clots, stroke, and breast cancer. The longer a person uses hormone therapy the higher their risk of developing a health problem. There are also other medications that can be used to treat symptoms such as gabapentin, clonidine, and SSRI’s. Each medication has its own potential benefits and drawbacks, so speak with your doctor if you are struggling with symptoms and considering treatment.[1][2]
#7: Hot flashes were thought to be associated with negative mood symptoms during menopause, but that has changed.
Several years ago researchers thought that the development of hot flashes were associated with depression that can accompany menopause. It has recently been found that depression typically occurs before the development of hot flashes if it is going to occur as a result of menopause. So, just because you have hot flashes does not mean you will also get depression. Some women struggle with depression as a side effect of fluctuating hormones during menopause which can also make other physiological symptoms more difficult to deal with.[4]
#8: There are non medical ways to manage menopausal sweating.
There are several ways to manage hot flashes and night sweats that don’t involve medications. While there is no conclusive scientific evidence, some people believe that supplements like black cohosh, DHEA, dong quai, ginseng, kava, red clover, and soy are beneficial in relieving symptoms.[1] You can also use practical strategies to manage your sweat like avoiding caffeine and alcohol, staying in cool environments when possible, dressing in layers, keeping your bedroom cool, and using over-the-counter topical products like antiperspirant. Even though these changes might seem small they can make menopause and sweating more manageable.[2]
- Suszynski, M. (n.d.). Menopause and Sweating. Retrieved from https://www.webmd.com/menopause/features/menopause-sweating-11#1
- Scaccia, A. (2018, May 16). How Long Do Symptoms of Menopause Last? Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/menopause/how-long-does-menopause-last
- Pariser, D. M. (2014). Hyperhidrosis (4th ed., Vol. 32). Amsterdam: Elsevier Pub. Co., 2014. Retrieved from https://www.elsevier.com/books/hyperhidrosis-an-issue-of-dermatologic-clinics/pariser/978-0-323-32607-0
- Santoro, N., pperson, C. N., & Mathews, S. B. (2016). Menopausal Symptoms and Their Management. Endocrinol Metab Clin North Am., 44(3), 497–515. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4890704/
Will Baby Powder Help With Sweating?
Baby powder, also known as talcum powder, can help to manage some of the symptoms associated with excessive sweating, but it is not as effective as some other over-the-counter topical treatments. It is also important to note that there has been some controversy over whether or not baby powder is safe. The company Johnson and Johnson has been manufacturing baby powder for over 100 years and several generations have used it as a way to manage unwanted sweat.[1]
What’s In Baby Powder and How It Works
Baby powder is typically made from a substance known as talc. It is a mineral found in clay that can be mined from underground deposits. It is one of the softest minerals in the world which is one of the reasons it is so useful. Talc is sometimes referred to as talcum powder, talcum, magnesium silicate, or cosmetic talc. In addition to baby powder, talc is used in several other cosmetic products like mascara, lipstick, blush, and many others. It is also used to make crayons, pills, chewing gum, and many other products. Talc gives these products a silky texture and the ability to absorb water easily. Some baby powders use cornstarch as an alternative to talc, but this is less common. It will say on the label if a particular brand uses talc or cornstarch.[2]
People use baby powder to manage excessive sweat because it is both astringent and absorbent. Astringent means that a substance causes body tissues to constrict which helps them to remain dry. So, when you apply baby powder to your skin it absorbs extra moisture on your skin while also encouraging the skin to stay dry. Baby powder also reduces friction between body parts and acts as a barrier to protect skin. Historically, it was used by parents to prevent diaper rash on babies, although this practice is now discouraged by doctors. Many baby powders also contain a fragrance which helps detract from bad smells that often come along with heavy sweating. Most of the time people use baby powder to help with sweating in the axillary and groin regions, although it can also be used on hands and feet. It is generally less advantageous for those who have craniofacial hyperhidrosis.[1]
Baby powder is not irritating and can be used on sensitive skin. However, it does have some downfalls. It tends to clump when exposed to lots of moisture which can be uncomfortable or unpractical depending on which part of the body it is used on. It is also not as effective as an antiperspirant when it comes to reducing sweat production. Finally, baby powder made with talc, has been subject to controversy for the last several years and no definitive conclusion has been made as to whether or not it is entirely safe to use.[2]
The Difference Between Baby Powder and Antiperspirant
Antiperspirant is the first line treatment for people who have hyperhidrosis, a condition that causes the body to produce excessive amounts of sweat. It usually contains an active ingredient like aluminum chloride, or another type of metallic salt. The active ingredients in antiperspirant are so strong that they are actually able to prevent the body from producing sweat and the FDA classifies antiperspirants as drugs. This means that they are regulated by the US government.[3] Unlike antiperspirants, baby powder can’t stop the body from producing sweat and it is not regulated by the FDA. Often baby powder is not a strong enough treatment alone for those with hyperhidrosis, but it can be a helpful alternative method to manage hyperhidrosis, especially for those with sensitive skin. If you are interested in choosing the right over-the-counter antiperspirant for your situation, or the right type of baby powder, it is a good idea to read the label on the products so you know which products will work best for your situation.[1]
Baby Powder and Possible Health Concerns
It is thought that baby powder made from talc might lead to the development of cancer. This is because, in its natural form, some talc contains asbestos, which is known to be cancer causing. [4] Talc can be contaminated by asbestos because it lines some of the same mines that talc is taken from.[2] However, it has not be proven that all talc is contaminated with asbestos. In 1976 the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrances Association (CTFA) said that all cosmetic products containing talc should be free from detectable amounts of asbestos. However, there is controversy over whether or not consistent exposure to Johnson and Johnson baby powder has led some women to develop ovarian cancer.[4] Roughly 12,000 women filed a lawsuit against Johnson and Johnson citing that using baby powder is the cause of their ovarian cancer.[2] So far, results from studies looking into whether or not baby powder causes ovarian cancer have been mixed. The nternational Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a part of the World Health Organization (WHO), currently does not classify talc as a carcinogen if it doesn’t contain asbestos. The same organization has also said that the use of talc containing powders on the genitals may be cancer inducing for humans. Better studies need to be conducted before an official consensus can be reached.[4]
It is also important to note that baby powder should not be used as a preventative for diaper rash. This is because talcum powder is so tiny that is poses a risk for babies to inhale it and aspirate on it. Several babies have died from baby powder inhalation and doctors have been recommending against its use for decades.[2]
If you have hyperhidrosis and you want to incorporate baby powder as a part of your routine it may be prudent to a little research beforehand. If you are worried about the health issues talc can cause, you can always try a cornstarch based baby powder. Cornstarch does not pose any of the same risks that talcum powder has and it is still quite effective at absorbing sweat.
- Freeman, S. (n.d.). Does baby powder stop sweating? Retrieved May 6, 2019, from https://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/men/sweating-odor/baby-powder-stop-sweating
- Rabin, R. C. (2018, December 14). What Is Talc, Where Is It Used and Why Is Asbestos a Concern? New York Times. Retrieved May 6, 2019, from https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/14/business/talc-asbestos-powder-facts
- Pariser, D. M. (2014). Hyperhidrosis (4th ed., Vol. 32). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
- Talcum Powder and Cancer. (n.d.). Retrieved May 6, 2019, from https://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/talcum-powder-and-cancer
- Gill, K. (2018, October). Does baby powder cause cancer? What to know. Retrieved May 6, 2019, from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323525.php
How to Reduce and Stop Excessive Face Sweating
Anyone can struggle with excessive facial sweating under the right conditions, but some people struggle more than others. People who consistently deal with sweating of the face and head may be suffering from a condition called craniofacial hyperhidrosis. It is a type of primary focal hyperhidrosis that causes patients to sweat excessively from the forehead, scalp, nose, chin, and sometimes, cheeks. About 3% of the population has some type of primary focal hyperhidrosis, but only 22.8% of those with the condition specifically have craniofacial sweating.[1] If you think you may have craniofacial hyperhidrosis, or you just struggle with facial sweating, check out these treatment options that may help you find some relief.
The first-line treatment for hyperhidrosis in general are over-the-counter topical treatments called antiperspirant. Antiperspirants are agents that reduce the body’s production of sweat and they are usually applied to the skin. Most antiperspirants use aluminum chloride or another type of metallic salt as an active ingredient. Unfortunately, these ingredients can be irritating to the skin which makes it hard to choose the right over-the-counter antiperspirant, especially for those with facial sweating.[2] There are some antiperspirants that are made specifically for the sensitive skin on areas like the face and groin. One brand, called Neat Feat 3B Face Saver Antiperspirant Gel for Facial Perspiration and Shine, is available on Amazon and is specifically formulated for facial sweating. Another brand, called Carpe, will be coming out with an antiperspirant specifically formulated for facial use in May of 2019, which is just a few months away. These new facial antiperspirants will give people selection that was not available until quite recently. Antiperspirants can be safely used on the face, but you should be careful about which products you use as irritation can become an issue. If you find that over-the-counter antiperspirant is not enough, there are some prescription options you can discuss with your dermatologist.
Oral Medications
Sometimes, oral medications are used to treat hyperhidrosis. Most often, doctors will prescribe a type of medication called an anticholinergic which causes the body to produce less sweat by interfering with a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine.[1] Anticholinergics can be effective for some people, but they often have burdensome systemic side effects because they affect the entire body. Glycopyrrolate and oxybutynin are the most common anticholinergics prescribed for hyperhidrosis.[2] Anticholinergics are sometimes available in a topical form that can be applied directly to skin with less side effects, but these medications are newer in the treatment of hyperhidrosis.[3]
Botox, or botulinum toxin A, has been used to treat hyperhidrosis successfully and is FDA approved for the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis. It has also been a useful treatment for people with excessive facial sweating when more conservative options haven’t worked. Botox is a toxin made by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum and injected into the skin to stop sweat from being produced.[3] While it is effective, botox does come with some risks when used on the face. Specifically, facial asymmetry is an issue as one side of the face may droop after treatment (ptosis).[4] More studies need to be done to demonstrate how safe and effective botox is for facial sweating, but it is a promising treatment option.
Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy
Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS) is a type of surgical procedure used to treat primary focal hyperhidrosis. It is typically used to treat palmar hyperhidrosis (sweaty hands) and it is sometimes used to treat axillary hyperhidrosis. However, ETS is an invasive surgery and it comes with some big risks. Patients can develop complications, like compensatory sweating, that can occasionally be worse than the original hyperhidrosis. Therefore, ETS should only be considered when all other treatment options have been exhausted. The surgery works by disconnecting the nerves that communicate with sweat glands so that they cannot tell them to produce sweat anymore.[3] In order for the surgery to stop craniofacial sweating a surgeon would have to operate on the T2 or T3 area of the spine, which is quite high up on the spine for this type of surgery. It is not commonly done, but it can be very effective when performed by a skilled surgeon.
If you struggle with excessive facial sweating, keep looking until you find a treatment that works for you. There are new innovations happening every day as the medical field recognizes hyperhidrosis as a common and treatable condition more and more each day.
- Nicholas, R., Quddus, A., & Baker, D. M. (2015). Treatment of Primary Craniofacial Hyperhidrosis: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, 16(5), 361-370. doi:10.1007/s40257-015-0136-6
- Pariser, D. M. (2014). Hyperhidrosis (4th ed., Vol. 32). Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
- Craniofacial hyperhidrosis can usually be managed pharmacologically, but surgery may sometimes be needed. (2016). . Drugs & Therapy Perspectives, 32(5), 191-194. doi:10.1007/s40267-016-0282-9
- Huddle, J. R. (2014). Hyperhidrosis: Causes, Treatment Options and Outcomes. New York, NY: Nova Science.
How To Help Those Annoying Night Sweats
How To Help Those Annoying Night Sweats
Night sweats are a source of trouble for many men and women of all ages. Because they cause considerable discomfort, night sweats often lead to a lack of sleep - and that's a serious problem. Sleep is essential for your body to perform its daily functions, and if you aren't getting enough of it, you may start to feel run-down, irritable and even sick.
Night sweats can stem from a number of conditions and situations, so determining the cause of your condition may require patience. However, locating the source of your night sweats is essential in ending them and getting your sleep back on track. By teaming up with your doctor and observing your own habits a bit more carefully, you can determine the cause of your night sweats, attempt to resolve it, and eventually find some solutions that will give you relief from this uncomfortable condition.
Read on to learn more about why night sweats happen and a few tips for dealing with them effectively.
Symptoms of Night Sweats
First, it's important to understand what actually constitutes "night sweats". Having night sweats doesn't just mean that you become warm in bed when you're under the covers or feel slightly sweaty when you wake up - this has happened to just about everyone at one time or another. Night sweats typically occur in the middle of the night, which leaves the person affected completely soaked in sweat, overheated, and understandably, very uncomfortable. Sleepwear and sheets can both be drenched in sweat, which tends to wake up the person trying to sleep.
Night sweats can happen on their own, but they are often accompanied by hot flashes and extreme overheating. If you notice that you start to feel incredibly hot in bed, no matter how light your sheets and blankets may be, you could be experiencing these types of temperature control issues. If you're unsure if what you're experiencing are night sweats, you may want to check with your doctor.
Causes of Night Sweats
There are a number of reasons that night sweats occur, including (but not limited to):
- Certain medications (such as antidepressants, hormone therapy or hypoglycemic agents)
- Anxiety
- Menopause
- Sleep disorders (such as obstructive sleep apnea)
- Hyperthyroidism
- Certain infections (such as osteomyelitis and brucellosis)
- Serious medical conditions (such as stroke, leukemia, HIV and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma)
- Treatments for certain medical conditions (such as chemotherapy)
Night sweats may also be caused by a combination of these issues or something else entirely,so you'll always want to talk to a doctor before cutting something out of your lifestyle or attempting to treat your night sweats yourself.
Solutions for Night Sweats
While there is no steadfast cure for night sweats, there are several ways that men and women who suffer from night sweats can minimize their discomfort at night. Most of these solutions involve improving your nighttime routine, creating a tried-and-true sleep schedule and improving the quality of your bedding and sleepwear. While these solutions won't solve the cause of your night sweats, they will certainly make you feel more comfortable at night and minimize the actual feeling of sweating and overheating during the night.
Here are just a few of the most effective ways to combat night sweats.
- Cool the bedroom.Cool the bedroom. Use an air conditioner, fans or open windows to keep your bedroom several degrees cooler at night. Studies show that all people can benefit from sleeping in a cool room that's a few degrees colder than you prefer during the day, so it's an obvious way to prevent night sweats. An hour or so before you go to bed, set the thermostat a few degrees lower or open a window near the bed.
- Choose light bedding. Sleeping under lightweight blankets can help alleviate night sweats. Even better, look for sheets, pillowcases and other bedding that are made with temperature-regulating technology to help keep you feeling cool and comfortable. Check out Cool-jams Sleep Products extensive selection of cooling bed sheets, cooling mattress toppers and even cooling pillows that are designed to prevent overheating and night sweats. If you want to maximize the effects of these products, you can even use them all together to wick away moisture and regulate your body's temperature.
- Wear moisture-wicking sleepwear. Soaking wet pajamas are never comfortable, so make sure you choose sleepwear made from fabrics that wick moisture away from the body. Cool-jams also offers a wide selection of moisture-wicking sleepwear for both men and women made of our lightweight moisture wicking smart fabric that is designed specially to combat night sweats. From lightweight nightgowns for the summer to full-length pajama sets for the winter.
- Talk to your doctor. Like with any ailment, you'll want to make sure you see a doctor if you've been experiencing regular night sweats. For many people, night sweats are accompanied by other symptoms, such as unexplained weight loss or fevers, which can be cause for concern. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms to see if you can locate the specific cause of your nighttime issues.
Courtesy of Guest Blogger Rachel from Cool-jams.com. Use promo code Carpe at Cool-jams.com for 10% off any sleepwear purchase.